
White rumped sandpiper
White rumped sandpiper

white rumped sandpiper

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white rumped sandpiper

This can be a difficult to find species away from the Bodie-Pea Island or Cape Hatteras area. Peak counts: 25, Henderson, 15, Henderson, 15, Henderson, 12, Price Lake ( Watauga), 12, Hooper Lane. Surprisingly, casual in fall, with only three known records: 2 seen at Hooper Lane ( Henderson) on 5 at that site on 12- and one along Butler Bridge Road ( Henderson) on the very late date of. A group of seven at Ela ( Swain) on is the only other known spring record. In spring, very rare to locally rare essentially only in Henderson from 29 Apr to 2 Jun, with about 11 published records. Transient, essentially only in low elevations in the southern counties. Peak counts: 37, Falls Lake 2- 16, Winston-Salem. Rare to uncommon (at least locally) in spring and fall mainly early May to early Jun, and late Jul to late Oct one very late at Jordan Lake. Peak counts: 1,000, from Bodie Island to Cape Hatteras, 11- 375, same general area, 67, Pea Island, is perhaps the higherst fall count. Peak flights are in the latter half of May and even early Jun, and again in the first half of Sep. A report from Pamlico in mid-Jan seems highly unlikely. Usual dates are early May to late Jun, and late Aug to mid-Nov no records for Dec or Feb. A scarce (generally rare) spring and fall migrant in the Tidewater zone, as well as farther inland somewhat more numerous inland in May than in fall. Somewhat less numerous in fall, typically uncommon north of Cape Hatteras, and rare to uncommon southward. Uncommon to locally fairly common in spring along the northern coast, particularly at Bodie/Pea islands rare to uncommon southward. While in North Carolina, White-rumpeds inhabit fresh or brackish pools, impoundments, and flats, usually at still water, typically shunning salt water habitats. Like some other species, the White-rumped has an extraordinarily long migratory route, wintering in the southern half of South America and breeding in the Arctic tundra.

#White rumped sandpiper Patch

Its white rump patch and very high mouse-like squeak call are quite distinct from other small shorebirds, though many larger shorebird species have white rumps. Neither is common in North Carolina, though the White-rumped Sandpiper is numerous enough, at least locally along the coast, to not merit reporting. This and the Baird's Sandpiper are the two large "peep" species found in the state. White-rumped Sandpiper - Calidris fuscicollis

White rumped sandpiper